1. 创建北京、上海 2 所学校
2. 创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linux\py 在北京开, go 在上海开
3. 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程
4. 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师
5. 创建学员时,选择学校,关联班级
5. 创建讲师角色时要关联学校,
6. 提供两个角色接口
7. 学员视图, 可以注册, 交学费, 选择班级,
8. 讲师视图, 讲师可管理自己的班级, 上课时选择班级, 查看班级学员列表 , 修改所管理的学员的成绩
9. 管理视图,创建讲师, 创建班级,创建课程
10. 上面的操作产生的数据都通过pickle序列化保存到文件里
### 作者介绍:
* author:lzl
### 博客地址:
* http://www.cnblogs.com/lianzhilei/p/5813986.html
### 功能实现
1. 创建北京、上海 2 所学校
2. 创建linux , python , go 3个课程 , linux\py 在北京开, go 在上海开
3. 课程包含,周期,价格,通过学校创建课程
4. 通过学校创建班级, 班级关联课程、讲师
5. 创建学员时,选择学校,关联班级
5. 创建讲师角色时要关联学校,
6. 提供两个角色接口
6.1 学员视图, 可以注册, 交学费, 选择班级,
6.2 讲师视图, 讲师可管理自己的班级, 上课时选择班级, 查看班级学员列表 , 修改所管理的学员的成绩
6.3 管理视图,创建讲师, 创建班级,创建课程
7. 上面的操作产生的数据都通过pickle序列化保存到文件里
1. 当前数据库已建立好信息,可以直接进行查看增加
北京 课程:Python 讲师:金角大王 班级:S14 学员:我要学python
课程:Linux 讲师:银角大王 班级:L01 学员:我要学Linux
上海 课程:Go 讲师:天棚元帅 班级:G01 学员:我要学GO
2. 也可以把database下的两个数据库文件删除掉,数据清空,执行程序,数据库进行初始化,初始化只生成北京、上海学校名
3. 数据库结构main_dict 储存主要的逻辑结构:
数据库结构teacher_dict 存储讲师与班级的对应关系,用于方便讲师登录系统认证,结构为
4. 程序实现了以下严格限制:
#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding:utf-8 -*- #-Author-Lian import pickle,os BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) #数据地址 __db_main = BASE_DIR + r"\database\main_dict" __db_teacher = BASE_DIR + r"\database\teacher_dict" class School(object): #创建学校 def __init__(self,name,addr): self.name = name self.addr = addr def cat_school(self): print("学校名:【%s】\t地址:【%s】"%(self.name,self.addr)) def hire_teacher(self,dict,course,teacher,file): #数据库添加讲师信息 dict[self][course] = {"teacher":teacher} file_oper(file,"wb", dict) def create_course(self,dict,course,file): # 数据库添加课程资料 dict[self][course]={} file_oper(file,"wb", dict) def create_grade(self,dict,teacher_dict,course,grade,teacher,file1,file2): #数据库添加班级信息 dict[self][course]["grade"] = grade file_oper(file1, "wb", dict) teacher_dict[teacher] = {"grade":grade} file_oper(file2, "wb", teacher_dict) class Course(): #创建课程 def __init__(self,name,price,time): self.name = name self.price = price self.time = time def cat_course(self): #查看课程信息 print("课程:【%s】\t价格:【¥%s】\t周期:【%s个月】" %(self.name,self.price,self.time)) class Grade(): # 创建班级 def __init__(self,name,course,teacher): student = set([]) self.name = name self.course = course self.teacher = teacher self.student = student def cat_grade(self): #查看班级信息 print("班级:【%s】\t课程:【%s】\t讲师:【%s】" %(self.name, self.course, self.teacher)) def add_student(self,student_name,dict,teacher,file): self.student.add(student_name) dict[teacher]={"grade":self} file_oper(file, "wb", dict) class People(): def __init__(self,name,age): self.name = name self.age = age class Teacher(People): # 创建讲师 def __init__(self,name,age,school,course,role="讲师"): super(Teacher,self).__init__(name,age) self.role = role self.school = school self.course = course def cat_teacher(self): #查看老师资料和课程 print('课程【%s】\t讲师【%s】'%(self.course,self.name)) def file_oper(file,mode,*args): #数据库写入、读取操作 if mode == "wb": with open(file, mode) as f: dict = args[0] f.write(pickle.dumps(dict)) if mode == "rb": with open(file, mode) as f: dict = pickle.loads(f.read()) return dict def information(dict,mode,*args): '''通过匹配mode模式,打印相应的输出信息''' if args: dict_info, set_info = {}, args[0] else: dict_info,set_info = {},set([]) if dict: for key in dict: if mode == "course": key.cat_course() if mode == "main": key.cat_school() if mode == "teacher" and key == "teacher": dict[key].cat_teacher() # dict_info[key] = dict[key] set_info.add(dict[key].name) if mode == "grade" and key == "grade": dict[key].cat_grade() set_info.add(dict[key].name) if mode == "teacher_center": pass if type(key) != str: #key值不是字符串 dict_info[key.name] = key return dict_info,set_info def school_center(): #学校管理中心 Flag = True while Flag: dict_main = file_oper(__db_main,"rb") #主字典 res_dict = information(dict_main,"main")[0] #打印学校信息 school_name = input("\33[34;0m输入要选择的学校名\33[0m:").strip() if school_name in res_dict: school = res_dict[school_name] #匹配选择的学校 while Flag: print("\33[32;1m欢迎进入【%s】学校\33[0m".center(50, "*")%school.name) choice = options(list_school) #打印当前选项 if choice == "1": while True: print("\33[32;0m学校【%s】目前已经有的班级信息\33[0m".center(40, "-")%school.name) teacher_dict = file_oper(__db_teacher,"rb") res_course = information(dict_main[school], "None")[0] set_info = set([]) if res_course: # 打印课程与讲师对应关系 for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] res_grade = information(dict_main[school][k], "grade",set_info)[1] if_cont = input("\n\33[34;0m是否要创建班级 【y】创建 【b】退出\33[0m:") if if_cont == "y": grade_name = input("\33[34;0m输入要创建班级的名称\33[0m:").strip() course_name = input("\33[34;0m输入要班级要上的课程\33[0m:").strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] if dict_main[school][course]: teacher = dict_main[school][course]["teacher"] if grade_name not in res_grade: grade = Grade(grade_name, course_name, teacher.name) school.create_grade(dict_main, teacher_dict, course, grade, teacher, __db_main, __db_teacher) else: print("\33[31;0m错误:当前班级已经存在\33[0m") else: print("\33[31;0m错误:当前课程还没有讲师\33[0m") else: print("\33[31;0m错误:课程【%s】不存在,请先创建课程\33[0m" % course_name) if if_cont == "b": break if choice == "2": #招聘讲师 while True: print("\33[32;0m学校【%s】目前已经有的课程与讲师\33[0m".center(40, "-")%school.name) res_course = information(dict_main[school],"None")[0] set_info = set([]) if res_course: #打印课程与讲师对应关系 for i in res_course: k = res_course[i] res_teacher = information(dict_main[school][k], "teacher",set_info)[1] if not res_teacher: print("课程【%s】\t讲师【None】" %(i)) if_cont = input("\n\33[34;0m是否要招聘讲师 【y】招聘 【b】退出\33[0m:") if if_cont == "y": teacher_name = input("\33[34;0m输入要招聘讲师的名字\33[0m:").strip() teacher_age = input("\33[34;0m输入要招聘讲师的年龄\33[0m:").strip() course_name = input("\33[34;0m输入讲师【%s】要授课的课程\33[0m:"%teacher_name).strip() if course_name in res_course: course = res_course[course_name] #创建讲师并写入数据库 if teacher_name not in res_teacher: teacher = Teacher(teacher_name,teacher_age,school.name,course_name) school.hire_teacher(dict_main, course, teacher, __db_main) else: print("\33[31;0m错误:教师【%s】已经被聘用\33[0m" %teacher_name) else: print("\33[31;0m错误:课程【%s】不存在,请先创建课程\33[0m" %course_name) if if_cont == "b": break if choice == "3": #创建课程 while True: print("\33[32;0m学校【%s】目前已经有的课程\33[0m".center(40,"-")%school.name) res_dict = information(dict_main[school],"course")[0] #打印课程信息赋值给字典course_dict if_cont = input("\n\33[34;0m是否要创建课程 【y】创建 【b】退出\33[0m:") if if_cont == "y": course_name = input("\33[34;0m输入要创建的课程\33[0m:").strip() if course_name not in res_dict: #课程不存在,创建 price = input("\33[34;0m输入课程 【%s】 的价格\33[0m:" % (course_name)) time = input("\33[34;0m输入课程 【%s】 的周期(月)\33[0m:" % (course_name)) course = Course(course_name, price, time) #创建课程course school.create_course(dict_main,course, __db_main) #关联学校和课程 else: #课程存在 print("\33[31;0m错误:当前课程 【%s】 已经存在\33[0m" % (course_name)) if if_cont == "b": break if choice == "4": Flag = False if Flag: print("\33[31;0m错误:输入的学校 【%s】 不存在\33[0m"%(school_name)) def teacher_center(): #讲师中心 print("\33[32;1m欢迎进入讲师中心\33[0m".center(50, "*")) teacher_dict = file_oper(__db_teacher, "rb") dict_info = information(teacher_dict,"teacher_center")[0] #验证登录 teacher_name = input("\n\33[34;0m输入要登录讲师的名字\33[0m:").strip() if teacher_name in dict_info: while True: print("\33[32;1m欢迎进入讲师【%s】的管理中心\33[0m".center(40, "*")%teacher_name) choice = options(list_teacher) teacher = dict_info[teacher_name] grade = teacher_dict[teacher]["grade"] if choice == "1": print("\33[32;0m讲师【%s】的班级信息\33[0m".center(40,"-")%teacher.name) print("学校【%s】\t课程【%s】\t班级【%s】\t"%(teacher.school,teacher.course,grade.name)) any = input("\n\33[34;0m输入任意键退出当前\33[0m:") if choice == "2": print("\33[32;0m讲师【%s】的班级学员列表\33[0m".center(40, "-") % teacher.name) print("班级【%s】\n学员【%s】"%(grade.name,grade.student)) any = input("\n\33[34;0m输入任意键退出当前\33[0m:") if choice == "3": break else: print("\33[31;0m错误:讲师【%s】 不存在\33[0m"%(teacher_name)) def student_center(): #学员中心 print("\33[32;1m欢迎进入学员中心中心\33[0m".center(50, "*")) while True: choice = options(list_student) #打印学生中心选项 if choice == "1": student_name = input("\33[34;0m输入学员的名字\33[0m:") dict = file_oper(__db_main, "rb") teacher_dict = file_oper(__db_teacher,"rb") school_dict = information(dict,"main")[0] #打印当前可选的学校 school_name = input("\33[34;0m输入要选择的学校名\33[0m:").strip() if school_name in school_dict: school = school_dict[school_name] if dict[school]: course_dict = information(dict[school],"course")[0] # 打印当前学校下的课程 course_name = input("\33[34;0m输入要选择的课程\33[0m:").strip() if course_name in course_dict: course = course_dict[course_name] if dict[school][course].get("grade"): for i in teacher_dict: if course.name == i.course: teacher = i grade = teacher_dict[teacher]["grade"] print("课程【%s】的费用为【%s】"%(course.name,course.price)) if_pay = input("\33[34;0m是否支付当前费用 支付【y】\33[0m:") if if_pay == "y": #上面全部匹配成功,选课成功 grade.add_student(student_name,teacher_dict,teacher,__db_teacher) print("\33[31;0m选课成功\33[0m") any = input("\n\33[34;0m输入任意键退出当前\33[0m:") else: print("\33[31;0m错误:课程没有班级\33[0m") else: print("\33[31;0m错误:课程不存在\33[0m") else: print("\33[31;0m错误:当前学校没有课程\33[0m") if choice == "2": break def options(list): #打印可选择的操作模式,并返回选择值 for i, v in enumerate(list): print(i+1, v) choice = input("\33[34;0m选择要进入模式\33[0m:") return choice def start(): '''程序开始''' while True: print("\33[35;1m欢迎进入选课系统\33[0m".center(50, "#")) choice = options(list_main) #打印选项 if choice == "1": student_center() #学生中心 if choice == "2": teacher_center() #教师中心 if choice == "3": school_center() #学校中心 if choice == "4": break def init_database(): '''数据库初始化,不存在则创建,存在跳过''' bj = School("北京","北京市") sh = School("上海","上海市") if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): dict = {bj:{},sh:{}} file_oper(__db_main,"wb",dict) if not os.path.exists(__db_teacher): dict = {} file_oper(__db_teacher,"wb",dict) if __name__ == '__main__': init_database() #初始化数据库 list_main = ["学生中心", "讲师中心", "学校中心","退出"] list_school = ["创建班级", "招聘讲师", "创建课程","返回"] list_teacher = ["查看班级", "查看班级学员列表","返回" ] list_student = ["学员注册","返回"] start()
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