面向对象程序设计(Object-oriented programming,OOP)是一种程序设计范型,同时也是一种程序开发的方法。对象指的是类的实例。它将对象作为程序的基本单元,将程序和数据封装其中,以提高软件的重用性、灵活性和扩展性。——维基百科
var Person = { name: 'allin', age: 18, address: { home: 'home', office: 'office', } sclools: ['x','z'], }; var programer = { language: 'js', }; function extend(p, c){ var c = c || {}; for( var prop in p){ c[prop] = p[prop]; } } extend(Person, programer); programer.name; // allin programer.address.home; // home programer.address.home = 'house'; //house Person.address.home; // house
function extendDeeply(p, c){ var c = c || {}; for (var prop in p){ if(typeof p[prop] === "object"){ c[prop] = (p[prop].constructor === Array)"htmlcode">extendDeeply(Person, programer); programer.address.home = 'allin'; Person.address.home; // home 利用call和apply继承 function Parent(){ this.name = "abc"; this.address = {home: "home"}; } function Child(){ Parent.call(this); this.language = "js"; } ES5中的Object.create() var p = { name : 'allin'}; var obj = Object.create(o); obj.name; // allinObject.create()作为new操作符的替代方案是ES5之后才出来的。我们也可以自己模拟该方法:
//模拟Object.create()方法 function myCreate(o){ function F(){}; F.prototype = o; o = new F(); return o; } var p = { name : 'allin'}; var obj = myCreate(o); obj.name; // allin目前,各大浏览器的最新版本(包括IE9)都部署了这个方法。如果遇到老式浏览器,可以用下面的代码自行部署。
if (!Object.create) { Object.create = function (o) { function F() {} F.prototype = o; return new F(); }; }类的继承
Object.create() function Person(name, age){} Person.prototype.headCount = 1; Person.prototype.eat = function(){ console.log('eating...'); } function Programmer(name, age, title){} Programmer.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype); //建立继承关系 Programmer.prototype.constructor = Programmer; // 修改constructor的指向调用父类方法
function Person(name, age){ this.name = name; this.age = age; } Person.prototype.headCount = 1; Person.prototype.eat = function(){ console.log('eating...'); } function Programmer(name, age, title){ Person.apply(this, arguments); // 调用父类的构造器 } Programmer.prototype = Object.create(Person.prototype); Programmer.prototype.constructor = Programmer; Programmer.prototype.language = "js"; Programmer.prototype.work = function(){ console.log('i am working code in '+ this.language); Person.prototype.eat.apply(this, arguments); // 调用父类上的方法 }封装
var app = {}; // 命名空间app //模块1 app.module1 = { name: 'allin', f: function(){ console.log('hi robot'); } }; app.module1.name; // "allin" app.module1.f(); // hi robot静态成员
function Person(name){ var age = 100; this.name = name; } //静态成员 Person.walk = function(){ console.log('static'); }; Person.walk(); // static私有与公有
function Person(id){ // 私有属性与方法 var name = 'allin'; var work = function(){ console.log(this.id); }; //公有属性与方法 this.id = id; this.say = function(){ console.log('say hello'); work.call(this); }; }; var p1 = new Person(123); p1.name; // undefined p1.id; // 123 p1.say(); // say hello 123模块化
var moduleA; moduleA = function() { var prop = 1; function func() {} return { func: func, prop: prop }; }(); // 立即执行匿名函数prop,func 不会被泄露到全局作用域。或者另一种写法,使用 new
moduleA = new function() { var prop = 1; function func() {} this.func = func; this.prop = prop; }多态
function demo(a, b ){ console.log(demo.length); // 得到形参个数 console.log(arguments.length); //得到实参个数 console.log(arguments[0]); // 第一个实参 4 console.log(arguments[1]); // 第二个实参 5 } demo(4, 5, 6); //实现可变长度实参的相加 function add(){ var total = 0; for( var i = arguments.length - 1; i >= 0; i--){ total += arguments[i]; } return total; } console.log(add(1)); // 1 console.log(add(1, 2, 3)); // 7 // 参数不同的情况 function fontSize(){ var ele = document.getElementById('js'); if(arguments.length == 0){ return ele.style.fontSize; }else{ ele.style.fontSize = arguments[0]; } } fontSize(18); console.log(fontSize()); // 类型不同的情况 function setting(){ var ele = document.getElementById('js'); if(typeof arguments[0] === "object"){ for(var p in arguments[0]){ ele.style[p] = arguments[0][p]; } }else{ ele.style.fontSize = arguments[0]; ele.style.backgroundColor = arguments[1]; } } setting(18, 'red'); setting({fontSize:20, backgroundColor: 'green'});方法重写
function F(){} var f = new F(); F.prototype.run = function(){ console.log('F'); } f.run(); // F f.run = function(){ console.log('fff'); } f.run(); // fff抽象类
在构造器中 throw new Error(''); 抛异常。这样防止这个类被直接调用。
function DetectorBase() { throw new Error('Abstract class can not be invoked directly!'); } DetectorBase.prototype.detect = function() { console.log('Detection starting...'); }; DetectorBase.prototype.stop = function() { console.log('Detection stopped.'); }; DetectorBase.prototype.init = function() { throw new Error('Error'); }; // var d = new DetectorBase();// Uncaught Error: Abstract class can not be invoked directly! function LinkDetector() {} LinkDetector.prototype = Object.create(DetectorBase.prototype); LinkDetector.prototype.constructor = LinkDetector; var l = new LinkDetector(); console.log(l); //LinkDetector {}__proto__: LinkDetector l.detect(); //Detection starting... l.init(); //Uncaught Error: Error
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