IE7 loads and parses all style sheets into a form that Explorer can understand. You can then use most CSS2/CSS3 selectors without having to resort to CSS hacks.
The lightweight script is a single-line inclusion in your HTML/XML document. No alteration of your original markup is necessary. Neither do you have to alter your CSS.
IE7 provides Microsoft Internet Explorer with support for W3C standard CSS and HTML:
supports the following CSS selectors:
parent > child
adjacent + sibling
adjacent ~ sibling
[attr], [attr="value"], [attr~="value"] etc
.multiple.classes (fixes bug)
:hover, :active, :focus (for all elements)
:first-child, :last-child, only-child, nth-child, nth-last-child
:check, :disabled, :enabled
:root, :empty, :contains(), :not()
works with both HTML and XML documents
supports imported style sheets
preserves the cascade of the style sheet
does not alter the document structure
does not repeatedly query the DOM tree using JavaScript
uses pure CSS to enforce style sheet rules
supports the W3C box model in both standards and quirks mode
supports fixed positioning (flicker free)
supports overflow:visible
supports min/max-width/height
fixes broken (X)HTML elements (abbr, object)
standardies forms behavior
supports PNG alpha transparency
lightweight script (22K)
completely modular (add/remove fixes)
works for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5+ (Windows only)
3月20日消息,近期博主@数码闲聊站 透露,原定三月份发布的华为新旗舰P70系列延期发布,预计4月份上市。
而博主@定焦数码 爆料,华为的P70系列在定位上已经超过了Mate60,成为了重要的旗舰系列之一。它肩负着重返影像领域顶尖的使命。那么这次P70会带来哪些令人惊艳的创新呢?
根据目前爆料的消息来看,华为P70系列将推出三个版本,其中P70和P70 Pro采用了三角形的摄像头模组设计,而P70 Art则采用了与上一代P60 Art相似的不规则形状设计。这样的外观是否好看见仁见智,但辨识度绝对拉满。
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